A Mental Health 911
Big Table made me realize there are people out there that care about us. At my lowest, friends I didn’t know I had are helping me with my adventure of become the best version of myself.
We received a call from Henri’s boss with urgent need he described as a “Mental Health 911.” We knew Henri well because he had been a volunteer chef for a Big Table industry dinner. We were able to reach out immediately after hearing of Henri’s condition. He was very depressed and needed resources to navigate his emotions quick saying “I don’t know what the next 48 hours will look like.” Within two hours of getting the referral, Big Table was able to coordinate getting him picked up and checked into a hospital. Upon discharge, Big Table then helped him acquire after care including critical treatments and counseling — covering most of the cost. Remarkably, he is working again and plans on “using his story to help make mental health care accessible to the industry” by going back to school to become a therapist specializing in the restaurant industry.