Healthy Dose of Hope
I’m very thankful that the Big Table team has entered my life. It finally feels like we can breathe a bit more.
Luke is a server at a popular hot chicken restaurant. He was referred to Big Table by his manager after sharing a battle with depression amidst hard life situations. We met with Luke on a weekly basis, building trust and listening without judgment or agenda. We connected him to a local non-profit for affordable counseling that encouraged “whole body health,” including healthy eating.
Big Table took Luke and fiancé June (another care recipient) to the grocery store and talked them through healthy meal planning with simple, budget-friendly recipes. A Big Table care campaign helped stock their kitchen with small appliances and supplies to get started.
These simple changes have helped them physically and emotionally, and they have grown closer as a couple while experimenting with healthier cooking methods. They are excited about learning how to cook with fresh produce they can now grow in the backyard garden of their new home.