I can’t tell you enough how much it means to me to have all the care and support Big Table has offered. With all the sudden changes to my life, our family couldn’t do this without you!
Ema was working as a server at a popular breakfast spot in San Diego when we met her. Unfortunately, Ema’s life has been filled with chronic pain due to a progressive spinal deteriorating condition. Now in her adult life working as a waitress, it has been an increasingly aggravating battle working through the pain.
As the pain and discomfort worsened, she decided to have another surgery to remove and replace the existing screws up and down her spine to help improve her quality of life. During surgery, she suffered cardiac arrest. Luckily, the doctors were able to revive her. Sadly, because of other complications during surgery, she had to have her left leg partially amputated. A completely life-altering circumstance.
We were able to provide Ema with crucial rental and utility bill assistance, so her family could keep the lights on while she was in the hospital. We also helped with credit card payments to meet their cost-of-living needs as well as a wheelchair and shower chair to help her adapt to her new life.
Prior to surgery she had a beaming personality filled with energy, positivity, and love for life. Despite all that she has been through, she has maintained that light and love, and we will continue to support her on the long road to healing.