The direct care that Big Table offers is always delivered by individuals – whether volunteers or staff. It is taking time to notice and build a relationship with someone in the industry. Here are some ways you can begin to engage.


adopt a restaurant

You pick a restaurant in your neighborhood and Big Table provides the training and ideas so you can begin to build long-term relationships and support.

Perfect for small groups or individuals wanting to get involved in the community in a tangible and practical way.


dinner and event volunteers

We host two large events and three amazing Big table industry dinners each year. The dinners are cooked by top chefs around our literal BIG table that seats 48. The guests are those in the industry (cooks, servers, dishwashers, housekeepers, managers, and owners) and volunteers from the community serve them.

Let's serve hope together

We would love to have you join the movement to care for those in crisis.
Join Team Hope today!