big table operates on a referral model

If you know someone in need or in crisis who is working in the restaurant or hospitality currently or can demonstrate they have worked in the industry within the last three months and are actively seeking employment in the industry, please let us know through the referral form below. The process takes just a few minutes and can make a huge impact on someone’s life. Please know we do not take self-referrals.

Formulario de referencia en español haga CLIC AQUI

big table care

Our care generally falls into five critical impact areas that directly stabilize those in crisis who make up much of the restaurant and hospitality industry. These are people who fall between the cracks – not able to make enough to survive but making too much to qualify for the critical support services reserved for those already unemployed or homeless.

This initial care may look like the following – utilities assistance, help with rent or a deposit for housing, connections to a counselor, car repair, diapers or food for a single mom, a bike for work transportation, medical or dental help, or assistance with resume development. We do not provide hotel vouchers or long-term financial assistance.

Once the crisis has passed we continue to walk alongside individuals – offering accountability and encouragement.

General Website Impact Areas

criteria for assistance

To qualify for care, recipients must be currently employed in the restaurant or hospitality industry. If a care recipient is currently unemployed but can demonstrate they have worked in the restaurant or hospitality industry within the last three months and are actively seeking employment in the industry, a referral will be accepted.

Priority care recipients are front line employees in public facing restaurants as well as hotels, resorts, bars, and casinos. This is where we focus the majority of our monetary, in-kind services and ongoing relational support.

Potential care recipients must be referred by another person aware of their need – preferably a supervisor or coworker. We will contact you first – as the referrer – to verify details and urgency of the request.

Based on the volume of requests, at times we will create a waitlist for new referrals.

big table care cities

Click to enlarge map

Care Referrals