let's serve hope in spokane

Big Table has been headquartered in Spokane since 2009. Spokane’s restaurant and hospitality industry employs nearly 24,000 people and is the 4th largest employment sector in Spokane County. Nearly half of those employees fall below the “survival” income line set by economists.

Big Table comes alongside these hardworking people when they experience a crisis or an unexpected challenge to offer support, encouragement, and hope.

We have so much work to do to care for Spokane industry workers.

Won't you join us?


Click to enlarge map.

Walking Through Fire

I can’t tell you how much it has meant to me to get to know Jackson. The practical help really was helpful, but this was so much more than that. It is hard to put into words, but thank you.

Tony is a hardworking bartender who lost virtually everything in an apartment fire one night. Although he wasn’t home, thankfully, some brave bystanders and firemen were able to save his beloved Husky Shepard mix and right-hand companion, Jonni. Even so, Tony’s life as he knew it had just burned up in the blink of an eye leaving him feeling helpless as he faced the future.  

Tony is one of the most kind and thoughtful people you would ever meet.” It was no wonder he was referred to Big Table by one of his co-workers to help get him back on his feet emotionally and physically.   

Big Table jumped in with the help of our partners at MultiCare to cover the security deposit for his new place and half the payment due for his second month’s rent. Our friends at Global Neighborhood Thrift gifted Tony a voucher to shop for new work clothes as most of them were completely damaged in the fire.   

But financial support for this unforeseen crisis was just the start of what he needed. Our weekly coffee check-ins gave Tony a caring and critical outlet – and a friend – to process this major life-altering challenge.  

Thanks to your support of Big Table, Tony wasn’t alone walking through the aftermath of this fire. He had a safety net. Tony can now breathe easier as step by step he is getting his life back closer to normal. 


unexpected 20s

Want to get involved right now? Try sharing an Unexpected 20™! This is a great place for individuals and small groups to start partnering with Big Table. Big Table provides small envelopes that you fill with $20 bills and give out when in a restaurant or hotel. Simple and amazingly effective. Look for one person working in a restaurant or hotel invisible to others, or one that is having a bad day. It very well could be someone in the kitchen or behind the scenes. Then give them the Unexpected 20 envelope with a $20 bill inside. Tell them it is simply a gift for them…no strings attached. This is not payment or a tip, it is a gift. After the Unexpected 20 is delivered email us with a story of what you noticed or felt at stories@bigtable.org.

Need envelopes? You can print your own or contact spokaneinfo@bigtable.org and we’d love to send you some.

This is just one way to join Big Table’s mission to serve hope. Learn more about all the ways you can get involved below.



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contact us


(509) 608-8445

Mailing Address

PO Box 372
Spokane, WA 99210

Office Location

827 West First, Suite 118
Spokane, WA 99201

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