every story is different

But each one began with a simple referral from a friend or co-worker because of a crisis. Big Table was able to respond directly and personally - to avert the crisis and provide some semblance of normalcy in their lives. Our involvement doesn't end when the crisis ends. We also provide long-term coaching and mentoring, fostering enduring relationships and accountability. A lasting story of hope.


A Shower of Hope

Thank you so, so much! You have no idea how much this is going to help!

— Kalicia

“Kalicia is a hard worker who cares a lot for our guests and delivers friendly and reliable service from the Doubletree front desk on the late swing shift. She would do anything for her family and for the visitors of Spokane.” This is what Kalicia’s Director shared in her referral.

She and her husband were in a financial crisis and facing homelessness due to both missing an extended period of work due to injuries. Many workers in our industry must put in countless hours only to barely make ends meet, and this mother also had her four children to take care of.

Big Table stepped in to help with food stability with grocery gift cards, assistance with overdue utility bills, and emotional support. However, after pregnancy complications from her fourth baby kept her from working, Big Table saw the need and threw a Care Campaign to give Kalicia the best baby shower ever! She received an overwhelming response from our community, including clothes, baby essentials, a new stroller, and much more all thanks to your support!

San Diego


Big Table helped me when I had nowhere to turn. When I thought I had no one else, they were there

— Sean

Sean is a talented line cook at a popular local restaurant and has even been named “employee of the year” for his hard work recently. After a season of hard-fought sober living, one drink on a hot summer day dove him back into the deep end of old habits. He retreated from the world as waves of regret overcame him and so the restaurant owner referred him to Big Table. After Sean started recovering, Big Table set him up in a hotel to continue to sober up safely, bringing him nourishing food to help his body heal. Sean couldn’t believe we were helping him. Thankfully, a former co-worker offered Sean a permanent place to live shortly after – with an incredible ocean view as a tangible reminder of the hope that lies ahead. Big Table helped shop for necessities for his new place, covered some phone bills, and most importantly continues to encourage Sean as he finds new strength each day to choose sobriety and embrace faith in his future.



I’m glad to have someone in my corner like you. Big Table has been such a blessing in my life. Thank you.

— Mr. Mosley

Mr. Mosley worked at the same Nashville hotel for years as a shuttle bus driver. When rising rent forced him to move 45 minutes away, this hardworking 72-year-old saw it as a chance to retire. However, the area he relocated to turned out to be unsafe. After receiving threats from local gang members, Mr. Mosley quickly rented a car, packed his belongings, and returned to Nashville, reclaiming his job at the hotel.

Determined to keep working, Mr. Mosley made the daily four-hour commute by walking and taking the bus. He never complained, but it was clear that he was struggling and maintaining his job was wearing on him. His HR manager reached out to her church, which provided him with a bike and a bus pass to make his commute easier. She also referred him to Big Table for more comprehensive support.

We immediately started working on a savings plan for a reliable vehicle. By checking in weekly and following his budget, Mr. Mosley’s perseverance and determination paid off as he steadily built his savings. Thanks to our partnership with Mechanics on a Mission and Tire World, Mr. Mosley was able to purchase a reliable truck at a reduced price. His new truck not only gives him independence and a dependable way to get to work, but it also expands his options for finding stable, affordable housing again. And we’re still here to help.

Care Stories by City






“You don’t know the weight you have lifted off my shoulders. I am so grateful for your help.” | ORLANDO


“From a bicycle for one of my dishwashers to a mental health check in for myself, Big Table has impacted my life as well as many others in so many…


“Your kind and caring heart has meant so much to me and my family in this time of need. Thank you so very much.” | BEATRIZ


“When I felt like I was at the end of my rope, Big Table helped me tie a knot and hold on.” | PARIS


“Big Table gave me nonjudgmental support. They are motivating and encouraging. Big Table changed my life and there’s more to come!” | DESTINY


“The thing about Big Table is they give more than hope. Hope is the expectation that something will happen. What Big Table does is deliver when all hope is lost.” |…


“We are usually the ones serving people and I can’t tell you how much it means that there are people out there who want to serve us.” | CARL


“Big Table gave me the chance to fix my teeth. Now I can eat with the partials I got from Dr. Love and smile. It makes me happy!” | TANYA


Let's Serve Hope Together

There are so many ways you can help write stories of hope to those in crisis in the restaurant and hospitality community.

We have a seat waiting for you at the table.
Join the Big Table Movement today.