I’m glad to have someone in my corner like you. Big Table has been such a blessing in my life. Thank you.
Something to Smile About
Thank you so much, you have been the biggest blessing for me. You’re amazing and your program is amazing.
Driving Towards the Future
After my incarceration, I never thought I’d be able to feel like a normal citizen again, but the Big Table team showed me otherwise. I can’t thank you enough.
Thank you for being one of the only dependable people in my life. I’m not sure where I would be if it wasn’t for you and Big Table.
I keep looking outside to make sure the car is still there. I’m so thankful for it, it is such a huge relief. I can’t believe that you guys do all that you do. I’ve never experienced it before. Thank you.
Family First
Big Table has helped me so much by providing both therapy and someone to reach out to when I’m feeling down. Having someone truly in my corner without an ulterior motive has been so helpful.
Brighter Days Ahead
My heart was so warm from all the love and support. From the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful.
Safe and Sound
I just didn’t realize how much I was hurting because it’s just been like this for so long. It’s just been so long. I’m so relieved.
Healthy Dose of Hope
I’m very thankful that the Big Table team has entered my life. It finally feels like we can breathe a bit more.
A Community of Care
Today is my brother’s birthday – the one that passed away. You just don’t know what y’all have done for me today.
Serving a Beautiful Smile
When my everything wasn’t enough, I didn’t see a solution. I felt like I couldn’t breathe or think. Big Table became my oxygen.
Catching Up After COVID
I had contracted COVID and lost significant income from my job. I was short of rent and unable to buy groceries. I was referred to Big Table and got the help I needed.
Coming Back to Life
Big Table helped me secure the lease on my new house that was much more suited to my needs as I recovered… and is in much better condition and walking distance to my job and church.
A Break in the Clouds
You all gave me something new – and someone and family that cares. My faith is stronger now and you’re the only ones I can share it with.
Hope in the Midst of an Eviction
I just feel so thankful and blessed. I can’t believe in one week Big Table got me a bed of my own and caught up on rent!