I am so grateful and happy right now to be sitting in a dentist chair with the knowledge that it is not just to pull teeth, but to make it so that I don’t have to hide behind a mask every day out of shame. Soon, I can smile without fear that people will see my teeth. Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!
Anastasios has been pouring his heart and soul into various server positions in the hospitality industry for over 20 years. Even though life dealt him a history of violence and trauma that led to substance abuse and other struggles, he was determined to re-write the narrative. Now two years sober, he bravely shares his story to ignite hope to those around him. While working full-time, he also takes care of his aging parents and volunteers at Big Table events.
He was referred to Big Table to help with his deteriorating teeth, resulting from years of drug abuse. Our dental care partner, Dr. Ryan Love, stepped in to give Anastasios a full dental transformation, simply blowing him away.
Anastasios asked Dr. Love to pause for a few moments before his full mouth extraction, so he could reflect as the whole process was very emotional for him. It wasn’t just his teeth that he was removing, this represented the release of so many barriers preventing a life of emotional freedom from his past. After healing up and being fitted for dentures, he lights up the room with a smile full of life as he generously serves others. He hopes to continue to pay it forward and honor his family heritage by opening his own Greek restaurant. We can’t wait!