Big Table’s third location launched in San Diego in early 2019. San Diego is home to over 7000 restaurants, 500 hotels and there are roughly 186,000 employed in the industry. The average cost of living for a Single Parent with One Child is $55,000. The average Industry pay for a full-time employee is $28,849. Big Table comes alongside these hardworking individuals when they experience a temporary setback to offer support, encouragement, and hope.

There is so much work to do to care for our San Diego industry workers.

Won't you join us?


Click to enlarge map.


My family and I will always be extremely grateful for all the support we have received from you and Big Table.

Paul was a cook at a local hotel when January’s floods devastated his home. Amid the chaos, Paul was referred to Big Table for care and met his Care Coordinator, Josh. When meeting with Paul to help navigate and encourage him through this crisis, Josh learned that he wanted to repair the home with his own two hands. Big Table, with the help of San Diego Foundation, lent a hand of its own by supplying gift cards to purchase drywall and flooring materials for the much-needed repairs. And Paul got right to work restoring his home with determination and a sense of pride.

His sons had also lost their laptops during the floods, making it difficult for them to keep up with their schoolwork. Collaborating with local partners, San Diego Futures Foundation and Center Church, Big Table provided new laptops for the boys, allowing them to continue their education seamlessly.

Grateful beyond words, Paul and his family found the strength and resources they needed to build their way back to hope thanks to you. 

San Diego

unexpected 20s

Want to get involved right now? Try sharing an Unexpected 20™! This is a great place for individuals and small groups to start partnering with Big Table. Big Table provides small envelopes that you fill with $20 bills and give out when in a restaurant or hotel. Simple and amazingly effective. Look for one person working in a restaurant or hotel invisible to others, or one that is having a bad day. It very well could be someone in the kitchen or behind the scenes. Then give them the Unexpected 20 envelope with a $20 bill inside. Tell them it is simply a gift for them…no strings attached. This is not payment or a tip, it is a gift. After the Unexpected 20 is delivered email us with a story of what you noticed or felt at stories@bigtable.org.

Need envelopes? You can print your own or contact sandiegoinfo@bigtable.org and we’d love to send you some.


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community resources
for hospitality employees

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(619) 717-9923

Office and Mailing Address

7801 Mission Center Court
Suite 320
San Diego, CA 92108

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