let's serve hope, nashville

Big Table launched in Nashville in the summer of 2021. Nashville boasts about 350 hotels and 4000 restaurants. The Hospitality and Food Service Industry is the second largest employment sector in Davidson County, only behind healthcare. The average salary for a full-time restaurant server in Nashville is $23,955.

Big Table comes alongside these hardworking people when they experience a temporary setback to offer support, encouragement, and hope. Caring for them strategically will impact the whole community.

We have so much work to do to care for Nashville industry workers.

Won't you join us?


Click to enlarge map.


I keep looking outside to make sure the car is still there. I’m so thankful for it, it is such a huge relief. I can’t believe that you guys do all that you do. I’ve never experienced it before. Thank you.

As the youngest of four, Reebie was raised by an older sister. She moved from New York to Nashville several years ago. Her roommate – who also works in the industry – referred Reebie after she was in
a hit-and-run that left her car undriveable. A loophole allowed her insurance company to refuse to pay her claim, so she was burning through her paycheck on Uber rides just to keep her job at a local
fine dining restaurant.

In partnership with another non-profit, Mechanics on a Mission, we started working to get her a drivable vehicle. But not just any vehicle. Reebie ideally needed one that could pull a trailer she had in New York that she has long dreamed of turning into a vegan Puerto Rican food truck.

After some patience, we were thrilled to be there as Reebie picked up her perfect vehicle, a beefy and beautiful Honda Odyssey with the full tow package. She was in disbelief that we weren’t asking for anything from her in return. That’s thanks to your support.

After helping her get the registration and tags, we watched Reebie drive away with a huge smile on her face, knowing there is a bright future waiting for her just down the road.


let’s do this. . . together

Join our grassroots Big Table Care Movement by simply bringing hope to those in need by intentionally caring for restaurant and hospitality workers in your everyday life. It could be as simple as giving out Unexpected 20s.

You’ll find lots of other big ideas on How to Care While Eating and Sleeping HERE.


unexpected 20s

Want to get involved right now? Try sharing an Unexpected 20™! This is a great place for individuals and small groups to start partnering with Big Table. Big Table provides small envelopes that you fill with $20 bills and give out when in a restaurant or hotel. Simple and amazingly effective. Look for one person working in a restaurant or hotel invisible to others, or one that is having a bad day. It very well could be someone in the kitchen or behind the scenes. Then give them the Unexpected 20 envelope with a $20 bill inside. Tell them it is simply a gift for them…no strings attached. This is not payment or a tip, it is a gift. After the Unexpected 20 is delivered email us with a story of what you noticed or felt at stories@bigtable.org.

Need envelopes? You can print your own or email nashvilleinfo@bigtable.org to request some.

This is just one way to join Big Table’s mission to serve hope. Learn more about all the ways you can get involved below.



community resources
for hospitality employees

contact us


(615) 988-0868

Mailing Address

PO Box 22656
Nashville, TN 37202

Office Location

631 2nd Avenue South, Suite A
Nashville, TN 37210

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