Big Table helped me when I had nowhere to turn. When I thought I had no one else, they were there

Sean is a talented line cook at a popular local restaurant and has even been named “employee of the year” for his hard work recently. After a season of hard-fought sober living, one drink on a hot summer day dove him back into the deep end of old habits. He retreated from the world as waves of regret overcame him and so the restaurant owner referred him to Big Table. After Sean started recovering, Big Table set him up in a hotel to continue to sober up safely, bringing him nourishing food to help his body heal. Sean couldn’t believe we were helping him. Thankfully, a former co-worker offered Sean a permanent place to live shortly after – with an incredible ocean view as a tangible reminder of the hope that lies ahead. Big Table helped shop for necessities for his new place, covered some phone bills, and most importantly continues to encourage Sean as he finds new strength each day to choose sobriety and embrace faith in his future.

San Diego