Hope on the Horizon

Big Table helped me want to work to meet my full potential.

Luis worked full-time at a local hotel and loved his job. But every day since being displaced by the flood, his fears would set in at the end of his shift. That’s when the real work would begin looking for a place to stay for the night, so he and his girlfriend wouldn’t be sleeping on the street. Many times, they would live in his girlfriend’s car. His hotel offered a reduced employee rate of $100 a night, but he was spending so much on hotels that he could not save anything. Living paycheck to paycheck was exhausting and discouraging. Eventually, his girlfriend ended up finding a place to stay without Luis. He tried living with different family members but was faced with domestic violence in one situation, and theft of his personal property in another. Big Table was able to help Luis with food, gas, bills, and hotel stays. We worked with one of our newly found care partners to help get Luis into a place he liked and could finally afford easily. Since living there, he has found another job within walking distance making life simpler, and he is happy there. Luis is in a much better place now and finally sees hope on the horizon.

San Diego